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For children from 10 months to 3 years

Fotografie v tiskové kvalitě

Technické požadavky na inscenaci

A fairy tale lullaby inspired by Petra Kubáček's book About an angel, a nightmare, a brave teddy bear, a good elephant, a monkey and a wild goose and a sleepless Tony.

Two heroes - Pom and Luli. Kuk! And they're in the world. Knock, knock, knock... they wander through the bed-landscape and meet Bea, Woof, Trutu, BAF!, Brum. The road is long, the lids are heavy. Shh! And good night.

Light as a feather, this show follows the European trend of theatre for children from zero to three years old called Theatre for the very young. Currently, many theatres, creators and artists are programming this trend abroad, and we are now bringing it to the Czech Republic for the first time.

The performance offers children their first contact with theatre - it is interactive, it respects their needs and sensitively introduces them to the world of sounds, voices, movements, touches and puppets. As early as 10 months, babies begin to remember things around them and the world they cannot see immediately begins to exist for them.

After the performance, children can play with the puppets used in the production.

Running time: 35 minutes

Director: Monika Kováčová

Set design: Zuzana Vítková

Actors: Lucie Valenová, Dan Kranich

The project was made with the kind support of the City of Prague, the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the Life of an Artist Foundation and the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague.